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Technology Acquisition Examples

Today, a large number of non-technology businesses are as dependent on technology for transactions and operations as they are for the merchandise that serve them. In fact , some of these non-technology firms make use of more technologists than even traditional technology firms carry out. This makes it difficult for them to maintain a competitive edge while not constantly enjoying newer technology and developing their own interior R&D features.

One of the ways they will do this through acquiring technology through purchases. But just how do they do this successfully? In this article, we all examine technology acquisition cases by going through the effects of breadth and interesting depth in exterior expertise sourcing. We also check out the function of strategic sourcing and integration in permitting effective technology acquisition through acquisitions.

Once large technology companies acquire smaller firms, attempting to catches the attention of the press. The Microsoft/Nuance acquisition was big news, but the majority of top tech driven m&a companies the time it is a a smaller amount publicised acquisition of a small technology company with a major tech giant that is certainly attempting to put value with their existing business or perhaps seed new Engine 2 businesses.

Inside the best-case circumstance, a small provider’s product can be scaled to more users by being acquired by a larger firm that can expend the resources to create that happen. Unfortunately, you can also find cases of a large company closing down small businesses and getting rid of the product entirely, which is whatever we refer to inside our study for the reason that “killer acquisitions. ”