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Creative Chatbot Name Ideas: How to Choose

700 Catchy Chatbot Names to Inspire You

creative names for chatbot

This is one of the rare instances where you can mold someone else’s personality. To reduce that resistance, one key thing you can do is give your website chatbot a really cool name. With REVE Chat, you can sign up here, get step-by-step instructions on how to create and how to name your chatbot in simple steps. Chatbot names may not do miracles, but they nonetheless hold some value.

The customer service automation needs to match your brand image. If your company focuses on, for example, baby products, then you’ll need a cute name for it. That’s the first step in warming up the customer’s heart to your business. One of the reasons for this is that mothers use cute names to express love and facilitate a bond between them and their child.

The bot’s purpose: what is the bot’s main task or goal?

These names are a perfect fit for modern businesses or startups looking to quickly grasp their visitors’ attention. If the chatbot handles business processes primarily, you can consider robotic names like – RoboChat, CyberChat, TechbotX, DigiBot, ByteVoice, etc. By carefully selecting a name that fits your brand identity, you can create a cohesive customer experience that boosts trust and engagement. Or, if your target audience is diverse, it’s advisable to opt for names that are easy to pronounce across different cultures and languages.

Knowing your bot’s role will also define the type of audience your chatbot will be engaging with. This will help you decide if the name should be fun, professional, or even wacky. Giving your AI agent a name that’s a part of its personality can help evoke positive connotations, improve user engagement, and build trust.

Is Siri a chatbot?

A catchy chatbot name is a great way to grab their attention and make them curious. But choosing the right name can be challenging, considering the vast number of options available. Creative names can have an interesting backstory and represent a great future ahead for your brand. They can also spark interest in your website visitors that will stay with them for a long time after the conversation is over.

Using a name makes someone (or something) more approachable. Customers having a conversation with a bot want to feel heard. But, they also want to feel comfortable and for many people talking with a bot may feel weird. As I already mentioned above, when creating a name for your bot, you should also ensure that it matches your users’ culture, language, and preferences. To do so, you can start by analyzing your user persona and looking for hints regarding your users’ likes, dislikes, and interests. In 2014, Nicholas Epley, a psychologist from the University of Chicago, conducted a study to check whether giving technology humanlike features can impact its perception.

ChatGPT Alternative (better than ChatGPT)

With Hubspot’s intuitive tool, you can set your chatbot up within minutes. After that, creating the chatbot sequences and designing the theme of your chatbot box is easy with straightforward editors. After the conversation is over, take advantage of your visitors’ attention by adding in a personal touch.

creative names for chatbot

Their smart conversation engine allows users to customize and integrate as required. The flexible NLU support means that you can use the best AI techniques for the problem at hand. Instead of defining visual flows and intents within the platform, Rasa allows developers to create stories (training data scenarios) that are designed to train the bot. Microsoft Bot Framework (MBF) offers an open-source platform for building bots. Botpress is a completely open-source conversational AI software and supports many Natural Language Understanding (NLU) libraries.

More Names Collections

Alternatively, there are closed-source chatbots software which we have outlined some pros and cons comparing open-source chatbot vs proprietary solutions. Some of the options even include AI capabilities, either by adding ChatGPT onto an existing bot or by training your bot on specific data. Early feedback on the website claims that Claude feels more conversational than ChatGPT, offering more depth in its answers while keeping things simple. In the future, you may find it integrated with the likes of Notion or the search engine DuckDuckGo. If you’re interested in new chatbots in development for social media, be sure to take a look at TikTok’s Tako too.

creative names for chatbot

CovidAsha helps people who want to reach out for medical emergencies. In the same way, choosing a creative chatbot name can either relate to their role or serve to add humor to your visitors when they read it. When you are planning to name your chatbot creatively, you should look into various factors. Business objectives play a vital role in naming chatbots and online business owners should decide the role of chatbots in a website. For instance, if you have an eCommerce store, your chatbot should act as a sales representative.

There are many websites where you can find thousands of ideas. Just type in keywords related to your business and see which ones come up. For example, “Eva Chatbots” sounds like an obvious choice but does not tell much about the services offered by the company.

creative names for chatbot

So, if you’re a scholar looking for new options to automate customer support in your facility, you know what to do. I would also say that this chatbot can be thought of as a therapist – it can comfort both a user and their caregivers in the most dreadful time of their lives. All of them can automate the whole sales process, both on a website and inside an app.

Artificial Intelligence Name Ideas

Each item on the list shown to the user is a button in the Rich Media message’s “Buttons” array. Below you will find an exmaple of a Carousel Content Message, that allows a user to scroll through a list of items, each composed of an image, description and call to action button. It’s up to you to combine all the conditions into naming the bot or just go with the 80/20 rule and choose the most crucial factor.

Before a Bot Steals Your Job, It Will Steal Your Name – The Atlantic

Before a Bot Steals Your Job, It Will Steal Your Name.

Posted: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A good chatbot name will tell your website visitors that it’s there to help, but also give them an insight into your services. Different bot names represent different characteristics, so make sure your chatbot represents your brand. DeepPavlov is an open-source conversational AI framework for deep learning, end-to-end dialogue systems, and chatbots.

  • This type of bot is beneficial to all platforms and reduces the customers’ task of asking questions.
  • We’re Soocial, a leading branding agency with a passion for creating memorable names and internationally-renowned brands.
  • It would also help if you looked for a name with a universal meaning.
  • It is a golden opportunity to let your customer know the good qualities of your business or website by using the name of the chatbots.

For more on using chatbots to automate lead generation, visit our post How to Use Chatbots to Automate Lead Gen (With Examples). Before we get into the chatbot examples, though, let’s take a quick look at what chatbots really are and how they actually work. There are numerous botnames available on the internet today. All the same, not all names can suit your chatbot, and that’s why you need to do due diligence.

creative names for chatbot

Before naming your chatbot company, conduct comprehensive online research. Look for similar companies and see which ones have been successful. So, choosing chatbot names with great future potentials would help you achieve success faster.

  • The second reason is how people of different cultures perceive genders.
  • The MBF offers an impressive number of tools to aid the process of making a chatbot.
  • Children could help Lt. Hopps investigate mysteries like those in the movie by interacting with the bot, which explored avenues of inquiry based on user input.
  • If you’re thinking of launching a new product or service, then you should consider including chatbots in your strategy.
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